Boomerang kids, in-house “gender experts,” cigarette revisionism, and more.

Boomerangs can be harmful, especially if what comes back is an adult child, previously seen off with sighs of relief. A study of people over 50 in 17 European countries finds that the return of adult children to the nest-“multigenerational co-residence” in the jargon of the social scientist’s trade-causes a major decline in parents’ well-being. […]

Gleanings and Observations

News you might have missed: A hotel and spa in Arizona has this item on its food service menu: Best Friend Protein Bowl, served with 5 ounces of Arizona prime beef or free range chicken with farro grains and mixed steamed vegetables and bottled water on appropriate petware. $18. Britain’s Prime Minister, Theresa May, responding […]

Mag: New Yorkers

Irwin Stelzer, in defense of New Yorkers 8/7/17 Enough, already! It is time for the commentariat to stop attributing every vulgarity erupting from this administration to the fact that the president, like his now-defenestrated potty-mouthed spokesman, is a New Yorker. Sure, the president was brought up in Queens and Anthony Scaramucci on Long Island. […]

The Trump Presidency is bigger than the man

I hope you will find my effort to analyze Trump and Trumpism worth a read. Donald Trump The Person is flawed but the President has put the US on track. PPP. That’s what you need to keep in mind if you are to understand American politics: Trump the Person; Trump the Policymaker; Trump the President. […]

England Now Has a ‘Loneliness Commission’

Since Europeans have taken to professing amazement and horror at the doings of our president, it seems appropriate to tell then what amazes us about their doings. Libertarians of the world be on alert: Just when it seemed that we had coaxed the state into shrivel mode, our British cousins have given progressives here a […]

All the News You Are Glad You Missed

It was a busy news week. The president was in Asia attempting to prevent both North Korea from going nuclear and a rigged trading system from destroying the American economy. Roy Moore was attempting to hang in there so he can turn Alabama blue and turn the Senate over to the Democrats. Congress was trying […]

England Now Has a ‘Loneliness Commission’

Since Europeans have taken to professing amazement and horror at the doings of our president, it seems appropriate to tell then what amazes us about their doings. Libertarians of the world be on alert: Just when it seemed that we had coaxed the state into shrivel mode, our British cousins have given progressives here a […]

The Hypocrite of the Month Nominations Are Out

It’s time for the January 2018 Hypocrite of the Month awards. The nominees are . . . Jerry Brown and Andrew Cuomo, governors of the two largest states controlled by the Democratic party-which accuses the new Republican tax cuts of favoring the rich at the expense of the middle class. Brown and Cuomo are preparing […]